Pdf lannea microcarpa anacardiaceae and anogeissus leiocarpus combretaceae are two plants used in the traditional medicine for the. According to rakotova m 2, in madagascar, khaki, another wild fruit that is responsible for intestinal occlusions by bezoar. Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader. The book cites cactaceae checklist, david hunt is published by royal botanic gardens, kew. An lannea microcarpa in uska species han magnoliopsida nga ginhulagway ni engl. Mar 12, 2015 this page was last edited on 11 december 2019, at 23. Morphology and germination characterization of seeds issues morphotypes. This page was last edited on 11 december 2019, at 23. Composition, activity and evaluation of cutaneous irritation in cell cultures and reconstituted human epidermis.
This book is the third in a series evaluating underexploited african plant resources that could help broaden and secure africas food supply. Microencapsulation of lannea microcarpa extract journal of. They are due to an obstruction of the intestinal lumen by a solid mass of fruits or undigested vegetable fibers. They grow on a dwarf shrub and sometimes there are no leaves yet when the fruit develops. This is an extremely nice wild fruit, and although not related to real grapes, the taste and colour of the ripe fruit is very similar to catawba grapes, which is called glippertjies in afrikaans. The images show the powder in amorphous state with well formed, small and trendy spherical microparticles with a smooth surface. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Population ecology, pattern of uses and conservation of the dioecious palm tree borassus aethiopum mart.
Microencapsulation by spray drying of lannea microcarpa. The plant list includes 78 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus lannea. Assessment of physicochemical properties of biodiesel from. Lannea edulis wild grape afrikaans wildedruif this is an extremely nice wild fruit, and although not related to real grapes, the taste and colour of the ripe fruit is very similar to catawba grapes, which is called glippertjies in afrikaans. The anopheles coluzzii mosquito is an effective vector of human plasmodium falciparum malaria. Jan 01, 2019 the symptomatology evolved for two days with stopping of materials and gases. Jun 24, 2019 lannea microcarpa ha06lannea microcarpa x 46k jpg. The volume describes 24 littleknown indigenous african cultivated and wild fruits that have potential as food and cashcrops but are typically overlooked by scientists, policymakers, and the world at large. Lannea microcarpa famine foods plants that are not normally considered as crops are consumed in times of famine purdue university, west lafayette, indiana. Plantmediated effects on mosquito capacity to transmit human.
We do not intend the plant list to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. In recent times, efforts are being made to see that plants are further exploited in order to provide for alternative sources of cure for either plant or animal diseases. Baphia nitida pdf genus baphia refers to using the heartwood of the plant to extract a red dye. In africa, in the savannah zone, the fruits of lannea microcarpa mature from march to april. Lannea species lannea microcarpa name homonyms lannea microcarpa engl. Species nitida refers to the wood having a polished surface. Whole tree a, grapefruits b, bark c and leaves d photo of lannea microcarpa. Lannea microcarpa is a deciduous tree with a very dense, hemispherical crown. Article pdf available in journal of animal and plant sciences. Fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy a of lannea microcarpa b nacmc powder lmc produced microparticles. Macleaya microcarpa is a species of flowering plant in the poppy family papaveraceae. Jan 28, 2020 pdf lannea microcarpa anacardiaceae is a tropical tree used in african folk medicine and commercial dermopharmaceutical formulations. The african grape lannea microcarpa seed oil was extracted and subjected to fuel properties tests according to standard method for oil and fuel analysis to evaluate its suitability as oil crop for biodiesel production in nigeria.
Desiccation and storage of lannea microcarpa from burkina faso. They are seasonal wild fruit season from march to june in the sahel zone. Microencapsulation by spray drying of lannea microcarpa extract. The bark has such a wide medicinal appeal that it is commonly sold in markets in dakar as a womens medicine, especially to ensure an easy childbirth. An wikimedia commons mayda media nga nahahanungod han. Traditional remedies prepared from lannea microcarpa leaves, barks, roots, and fruits are used to treat many diseases including hypertension. Ficus microcarpa is native in the range from sri lanka to india, taiwan, the malay archipelago, the ryukyu islands, australia, and new caledonia.
The main goal of this study was to determine the phenol content, the antibacterial and the antioxidant activities of the three species of lannea largely use in traditional medicine in burkina faso. Lannea microcarpa securidaca longepedunculata and cassia sieberiana in. Pdf micropropagation of a west african wild grape lannea. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader if you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs. This checklist gives information on a number of species of cactaceae included in appendices i and ii of cites regarding their identification. To obtain a faster colour, bogolan dyers associate this dye with a decoction of the bark of anogeissus leiocarpa. For fat stabilizing quality, the extract from lannea microcarpa engl. Microencapsulation of lannea microcarpa extract journal. Sansone f, mencherini t, picerno p, esposito t, del gaudio p. Lannea is a genus of plants in the family anacardiaceae.
Abstract sclerocarya birrea marula, lannea microcarpa wild grapes. As with other casuarinas, wood of c junghuhniana is highly suitable for fuelwood and charcoal production. Desiccation and storage of lannea microcarpa from burkina. Phytochemistry and bioactive natural products from lannea alata, lannea rivae, lannea schimperi and lannea schweinfurthii anacardiaceae ntributor. Content of polyphenolics constituents and the antioxidant and antimicrobial. Pharmacologically, trunk bark extract of lannea microcarpa has antioxidant activity 810 and can mitigate the damaging effects of oxidative. On anamnesis, the patient reported having swallowed a large quantity of wild grapes lannea microcarpa two days earlier. Usda, ars, germplasm resources information network. Click on a place name to get a complete protected plant list for that location. Molecules free fulltext characteristics, composition and. The cotton cloth is plunged once into the lannea dyebath, then 3 times in the anogeissus bath and finally once again in the lannea bath. Anogeissus leiocarpus, lannea microcarpa, fungi, bacteria and inhibition.
If you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs. It is a vigorous, substantial herbaceous perennial growing to 2 m 7 ft tall by 1 m 3 ft or more wide, with greygreen felted leaves and loose panicles of buff flowers in midsummer. Using dpph and frap methods for prevention or scavenging of free radicals, the results evidenced the highest activity with extracts of l. The consortiums goal is to sequence, assemble and annotate the genomes of 101 traditional african food crops, which will enable higher nutritional content for society over the decades to come. We report a case of small bowel obstruction in a 35yearold rural man after swallowing a significant amount of wild grapes lannea microcarpa. Using dpph and frap methods for prevention or scavenging of free radicals, the results evidenced the highest activity with extracts of. Rainfall in its natural habitat is monsoonal with a welldefined summer maximum and a range of mm nas subspecies timorensis is normally found at lower altitudes, especially in timor where it grows from near sea level to m. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of hydro alcoholic extract 70%vv ethanoldistilled water from the barks of lannea acida, lannea microcarpa and lannea velutina anacardiaceae were determined by the method of folin ciocalteu and alcl 3 by spectrophotometry. Find support for a specific problem on the support section of our website. Department of agriculture agricultural research service. However, the unprocessed dried extract occurs as sticky and lowwatersoluble material showing critical properties.
Plants of the chimanimani district national herbarium and botanic garden, zimbabwe page 36. Besides feeding on blood, females readily feed on natural sources of plant sugars. The role of oxygen in seed longevity view project nasstec native seed science, technology and conservation view project. Between each dyeing, the cloth is dried in the sun. Jun 28, 2019 as with other casuarinas, wood of c junghuhniana is highly suitable for fuelwood and charcoal production. Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of flavonoids. Download full article tropical journal of natural product research.
Plants of the matobo district national herbarium and botanic garden, zimbabwe page 23. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the creative commons cc0 license. Molecules free fulltext characteristics, composition. Cassytha filiformis pdf transmitting other pathogens between plants. Micropropagation of a west african wild grape lannea. West african plants a photo guide lannea microcarpa engl. Chemical composition, physicochemical characteristics, and. The oil was transesterified using alkali hydrolysis to biodiesel. These three fruit trees are characterized by aging populations, low population densities and low regeneration potential. Microencapsulation by spray drying of lannea microcarpaextract. An lannea microcarpa in nahilalakip ha genus nga lannea, ngan familia nga anacardiaceae.
The plant list includes a further 9 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus lannea. Abstract lannea microcarpa anacardiaceae is a tropical tree used in african folk medicine and commercial dermopharmaceutical. Potassium was the predominant mineral, followed by magnesium and calcium. He use of plants as sources of cure for ailments has a place in history. The list of cosmetic products below is a selection of the most requested cosmetics that contain the ingredient lannea microcarpa fruit extract. Micropropagation of a west african wild grape lannea microcarpa article pdf available in international journal of biological and chemical sciences 83. Lannea acida is a very popular traditional medicine in senegal. These extracts were tested for their antioxidant and antibacterial activities. The freezedried extract of anogeissus leiocarpus is brown in color, with an astringent, slightly sweet taste and lannea microcarpa is reddish in color with a slightly bitter taste. However, the unprocessed dried extract occurs as sticky and lowwatersoluble material showing critical properties for industrial applications. Krause family anacardiaceae filed as lannea microcarpa engl. Antimicrobial activity of anogeissus leiocarpus and lannea. A functional extract from lannea microcarpa lm, possess interesting antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. Microencapsulation of an antioxidant extract of lannea microcarpa.
The leaves are clustered on short shoots and divided into tiny leaflets which are bluntly toothed towards the apex and the roots are covered by dense wool like hair maundu et al. Lannea microcarpa et haematostaphis barteri au semantic scholar. It is a rapidlygrowing, rounded, broadheaded, evergreen shrub or tree that can reach 15m 49 feet or more in height with an equal spread. Please login to display the rating of all cosmetics. It is a rapidlygrowing, rounded, broadheaded, evergreen shrub or tree that can reach 15m 49 feet or more in height with an equal spre. West african plants a photo guide lannea microcarpa. As the dye is becoming more and more popular in the modern forms of the bogolan textile production, cultivation of the main lanjea species, lannea microcarpa and mivrocarpa acidais to be recommended, especially since they also produce edible young leaves and. The chemical composition, main physicochemical properties, and nutritional value of seed flour and seed oil of lannea kerstingii were studied. Activities of extracts from leaves and fruits of lannea microcarpa. The pdf file you selected should load here if your web browser has a pdf reader plugin installed for example, a recent version of adobe acrobat reader if you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with pdfs, highwire press provides a helpful frequently asked questions about pdfs alternatively, you can download the pdf file directly to your computer, from where it.
Jul 08, 2019 baphia nitida pdf genus baphia refers to using the heartwood of the plant to extract a red dye. Technological characteristics and antioxidant activity m. Lannea an wikispecies in mayada impormasyon nga may pagkahisumpay ha. Lannea in the germplasm resources information network grin, u. The role of woody species in managing food shortage in burkina faso. Lannea microcarpa is a savannah wild fruit tree of northern togo.
Desiccation and storage of lannea microcarpa from burkina faso article january 2004 source. Phytochemistry and agroindustrial potential of native. Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of three species. Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of three species of. Pdf quality control of trunks barks of lannea microcarpa engl. The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of hydro alcoholic extract 70%vv ethanoldistilled water from the barks of lannea acida, lannea microcarpa and lannea velutina anacardiaceae were. Phytochemistry and bioactive natural products from lannea.
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